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Cairn Terrier Caution Sign

Item # 12313
Cairn Terrier Caution Sign
The Cairn Terrier sign is a funny way to let people know who runs the show at your house. It's a fair warning sign about who is the boss. The Cairn Terrier sign measures 11 x 11 inches and is made of durable styrene. You can hang this sign inside or outside because it's weather resistant. The Cairn Terrier guard sign would look great in your office or yard, on the fence or patio. If you know people who have a sense of humor like you do, this would make a nice gift for them.
Regular Price:$11.00
Sale Price:$6.60
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Very cute & great quality! Proudly posted in our back yard for all to see.
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Great sign and a great price.
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