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Pomeranian Caution Sign

Item # 12363
Pomeranian Caution Sign
Visitors will have no doubt who is on patrol when they see this Pomeranian Sign. We all know that those pooches have all that fur and cuteness only as a disguise for their watch dog capacities. Sort of. Anyway, this Pomeranian Sign cautions those who come around to pay heed to the yipping ball of fluff and not take him/her for granted. The Pomeranian Guard Sign is crafted from high-impact styrene; and is strong and weather resistant. This Warning Sign is a winner! Don't forget those on your gift list that fancy the "ferocious" canine, too!
Regular Price:$11.00
Sale Price:$7.70
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Pomeranian Sign
This sign was of good quality and print.
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I got this pomeranian sign for a friend for Christmas and they liked it very much
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Great sign, people always laugh when they first see it.
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