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Roadrunner Sign

Item # 12492
Roadrunner Sign
When you love an animal with the word "runner" in its name, then our Roadrunner Sign is a must purchase. Great as a gag gift to any track star, our Roadrunner Guard Sign is a durable, weather resistant wonder. Each Warning Sign is made from rust resistant aluminum metal and features a predrilled top hole for easy hanging. Post the Roadrunner Sign on an indoor wall or an outdoor post; no matter where it's hung, it will bring a great amount of joy to any onlookers face. Item measures approximately 12 x 12 inches in size.
Regular Price:$18.50
Sale Price:$11.10
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I loved the product - the roadrunner. I like the way the product looks.
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Road Runner Sign: Easy all the way.. easy to order, quick to ship. I will definitely be back. Thanks, Barbara Lockard
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