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Sea Otter Sterling Silver Charm

Item # 4665
Sea Otter Sterling Silver Charm
Our Sea Otter Charm depicts this lovable creature on his back, floating with the current. Hand crafted from sterling silver, the 3/4 inch Sea Otter Charm has detail of form and expression. It is cheering to consider the playful nature of this keystone species, so influential on the health of ocean ecosystems. This jewelry is designed for a charm bracelet, to suspend from a neck chain, or to be fashioned as a pin. Our Sea Otter Charms will bring a warm nod of acknowledgment from fellow enthusiasts.
Regular Price:$11.95
Sale Price:$7.17
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I am a jewelry maker who does custom work. One of my clients wanted a necklace with an otter (her totem animal) holding a small chip of turquoise. This is just the perfect size and perfect pose" for this purpose. I think she will be very pleased.
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Otter charm is adorable and high quality.
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I bought this for one of my bridesmaid's as a gift. It was perfect and didn't cost nearly as much compared to similar ones. The only thing I would change is to make it a little bigger so you can see the detailing better.
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