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Bedlington Terrier Mousepad

Item # 5001
Bedlington Terrier Mousepad
Often described by lovers of the breed as "sweet lambs on a leash", we have captured your wooly pooch on our Bedlington Terrier Mousepad. The ultimate addition to your home office, or as a great addition to your desk at work, the Bedlington Terrier Mousepad is functional and fun. The Bedlington Terrier Mousepads, made with a durable polyester fabric top, and no slip rubber base, measure 8.75 x 7.50 inches. A terrific stocking stuffer, this Mouse Pad will be sure to satisfy lovers of this sparkling-eyed first-rate terrier.
Regular Price:$11.00
Sale Price:$1.99
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Excellent canine breed specific products. Delivery even better than promised.
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Prompt delivery and I am extremely statisfied with the mouse pad.It looks very much like my Bedlington.
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