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Chickadee Address Labels

Item # 5273-1855
Chickadee Address Labels
These Chickadee Address Labels are a "tweet-out" to your favorite flying creatures. You see them fluttering about your yard all the time so why not give them a place of prominence on your outgoing mail? The Chickadee Address Labels come printed with all of your pertinent info (up to four lines!) and are peel & stick, no licking. This Chickadee Address Labels are perfect for anything going "Air Mail" (ha!) but regular mail works, too. These are Return Address Labels you won't want to return!

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Regular Price:$16.10
Our Price:$14.00
256BIT Encryption Secure Shopping


The labels are exactly what I expected.... and the chickadee is adorable!
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I love them.
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Liked the label very much. Clear print and beautiful little chickadee.
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I love using them because I love the black cap chic-a-dee.
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