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Shetland Sheepdog Keychain Pewter

Item # 7666
Shetland Sheepdog Keychain Pewter
The Shetland Sheepdog keychain is perfect for keys you need to carry everywhere because it's only 2 inches long and flat. The Sheltie keychain can fit into a pocket, wallet, or purse with no trouble at all. Made from gorgeous and durable pewter, the Shetland Sheepdog key chain is hand finished in realistic detail. Our key chains do double duty to help you find your luggage. Attach them to the outside of your suitcase so it's easy to find at the airport.
Regular Price:$11.00
Sale Price:$6.60
256BIT Encryption Secure Shopping


Love these keychains. Detailed to a fault. I have quite a few and give them as gifts also. They are very sturdy and eye catching. For the Sheltie Lover.
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Love these sheltie Keychains. Very detailed.
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Our family absolutely adores these keychains. We use them on each of our keyrings, and have given them to family & friends as gifts. Wonderfully detailed, these are great for anyone who loves Shelties!
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The sheltie key chain is beautiful. The little paw is really cute and adds a nice touch.
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I love this key ring. Several of my friends have admired it and I ended up getting one for them too!
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