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Black Dachshund Christmas Ornament Angel

Item # 9536
Black Dachshund Christmas Ornament Angel
Black Dachshund Christmas Ornament Angel
Our Black Dachshund Ornament presents a convincing image. The three-dimensional stone resin likeness is seated on a gold disc, head turned to your voice. The Black Doxie Ornament is true in color and detail, with a halo and gold-edged wings representing her inner angel. Measuring 2 inches, our Black Dachshund Ornaments make unique collectibles as well as stand-out Christmas Ornaments. Brighten up a room or work area with this memento, any time of the year. And as a treasured token of a remembered family pet, it is unsurpassed.
Regular Price:$17.24
Our Price:$14.99
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verified customer
beautiful ornament
The animal ornament is exactly as it was depicted & delivered on time.
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I gave this ornament as a hospitality gift. My sister-in-law thought the ornament looked like her Annie dachshund.
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