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Dragonfly Address Labels

Item # 3902-1529
Dragonfly Address Labels
These Dragonfly address labels are just beautiful, the perfect way to show a personal touch with every piece of mail you send. They're also easy to make. Simply fill out your address information in the four text areas below and order them today. Your Dragonfly return address labels come to you personalized and ready to use. You'll love the full-sized area of the Dragonfly address labels, great for visibility and easy handling. And each Dragonfly address label is self-adhesive. Just peel & stick, no licking necessary. Address labels measure approximately 2.625 x .875 inches.

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Regular Price:$16.10
Our Price:$14.00
256BIT Encryption Secure Shopping


Nice lables they are for a gift for a lady that loves dragonflies so I know she will be really pleased.
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I was pleased with my labels.
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This was the 2nd time I ordered these return address labels, I like them very much and online was quick and simple.
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I love dragonflies and these labels are fun, and just the right size. The company has been great to deal with...great service, and they sent a nice, genuine-sounding thank you letter expressing their appreciation for my business. I like that....and I will do business with them in the future.
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