I bought this for my 2 1/2 year old granddaughter who loves cats. She sleeps with it, it has to be in her car seat with her and she dances with this kitty!!! Thank you for making such quality stuffed animals!!! I was unable to find anything like this anywhere else.
I too want to use this cat for a photo shoot and will keep it forever. I am very happy with this purchase. Thank you for allowing me to purchase your cat.
We bought this animal as a stand-in and auditions for a film shoot. I was actually surprised at how the actors took to it and related to it as a real cat. Actually better than some of the more realistic plush animals out there as some are just a little creepy. The well used plush animal held up well over a full day of auditions and 2 days on the set. It happily resides as the house cat at the production company.