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Cocker Spaniel Mousepad

Item # 3318
Cocker Spaniel Mousepad
Charming and cute, the Cocker Spaniel mousepad will add pizzazz to your desktop. With rounded corners and made of a poly fiber material, the Cocker Spaniel mousepad is designed for optimal mouse functionality. Backed with a rubber base, the Cocker Spaniel mousepads, will stay securely into place ready for use every time. Colorful and functional you will enjoy having a mouse pad that pictures your favorite dog breed and it keeps your desk at home or office more interesting.
Regular Price:$11.00
Sale Price:$1.99
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Love it! Well worth the price. Will buy another soon!
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Absolutely love this! Great place to shop! People very friendly to deal with! In fact I went back for more! Great site!
Thank you,
Diane Hall

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