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Golden Retriever Mousepad

Item # 3212
Golden Retriever Mousepad
Here is an exciting opportunity to own an authentic and original Golden Retriever Mousepad! Our high-quality Golden Retriever Mousepads feature the cute and cuddly face of your favorite canine. Bring a thrill to your home or office with this full color rendition of the majestic and beautiful Golden Retriever. The Gold Retriever mouse pad is the perfect final touch to any office and will bring you tons of attention and compliments. When you order our Golden Retriever mousepad, you'll turn working on the computer into an exhilarating task.
Regular Price:$11.00
Sale Price:$1.99
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verified customer
Katie in TN
I lost my golden to cancer in July and I was searching for a mousepad with a golden on it and when I found this one I just feel in love with it because it looks so much like my Fletcher. It reminds me of him every time I use my computer. Love his mousepad.
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Golden Retriever mousepad is beautiful. Delivery time excellent and I was most impressed with the letter enclosed with order. Will definitely shop with you folks again. Thanks.
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Golden Ret. mousepad is beautiful. Would have liked a thicker pad but so glad I found your place. I will be retturning to your site again.
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